University of Belgrade (UB)
Course Secretariat
Branislava Jovanović (Educate Programme Secretariat)
Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade
Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 73
11000 Belgrade
Republic of Serbia
tel: +381 11 3218558
fax: +381 11 3370223 (Att. Branislava Jovanović)
Email: ub@water-msc.org
Faculty of Civil Engineering (Department of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering)
The Department of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering is part of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade . Major activities of the Department of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering include the provision of high quality undergraduate and postgraduate education and research work in the field of hydraulic and environmental engineering. The Department hosts professors and lectures for ten undergraduate courses. In addition to its educational role, the Department also puts emphasis on scientific research involving most of its professors and lectures. Scientific research and utilization of contemporary scientific and technological achievements in educational programmes and every day practices make the Department of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering a leading institute in Serbia that is recognized and respected around the world. An important part of the activities of the Department is its participation in domestic and international cooperation projects (feasibility studies, expertise, supervision, studies, etc). The Department has four laboratories: Laboratory for volume measurements, Laboratory for fluid mechanics and hydraulics, Laboratory for sanitary engineering and Laboratory for urban hydrology and river hydraulics.